Thursday, April 26, 2012


Pencils everywhere!!! Illustration Friday rolled around again and this is what I came up with.  Stress week has rolled around and this is far from how I feel, but nice to take a minute to be able to enjoy the little things.... until someone has to come and bring reality back into it.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday came around and our class participated! I drew a kid on bench in the rain... with a bottle of water. I used gouache opaque watercolor courtesy of Cara Bolley it was fun I haven't done water color before, I fell in love with water color pencils recently but it didn't fit what I needed for this project. Anyways you should check out the website because some of my friends are posting some really cool things for this project.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Location Limbo

So we have the PERFECT Location... Ever. The only problem? We are running into road bumps on the side of securing this location. With multiple calls to different people no luck so far, hopefully by Wednesday this week we will get some information about the locations in the area. It is still possible to get the general area we want but it might just take some more work, which I am willing to put in, but for now we are stuck in limbo. Moving:through.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Green Lighting!

So things have picked up in the last few days. Thursday night we had a very big script meeting that helped flesh a lot of stuff out for the project. The script is being re-written tomorrow hopefully with good results. Friday morning I pitched to practicum to see if anyone wanted to work on the project crew wise. After pitching I expected my two other project members and myself to be standing there awkwardly without anyone, to my surprise and delight we had multiple people who expressed interest in the project. So we walked out of practicum with a crew. Then we met for the project with our adviser and he explained that while the script had yet to be green lit the project was green lit. We had thought before that point that the entire project was not green lit. So by 3pm on Friday we had a green lit project and an entire crew to back it! I was super pumped. Today I was out and about with some of my friends when one of them told me about a general area that had some really nice houses that might fit our location needs for the project. We went to the neighborhood and saw a lot of really awesome potential houses that fit our location needs. My friend had told me that they knew the people that lived on the street and would talk to them about shooting on the street, but lo and behold, we went to a store after driving through the neighborhood and ran into the very people he was talking about!!!! They expressed interest in the possibility of us filming in the neighborhood. They were really supportive of the idea so we will be looking into those locations soon. It is very promising to be able to see this stuff coming together but, as the seven stages of film production claim, it will probably continue to have spurts of ups and downs. So here's to moving:forward.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Banjo Pigs!

Banjo Pigs... I as all of my fellow classmates, have a Banjo Pig :)
Here is the website:

The first of many projects to come from a really fun and cool class...

Proceed with Caution

So this is really just to kind of get an idea across of what to expect for the rest of this. I am currently working on different projects and such for school and I will be posting, updating, ranting, praising so on and so forth. Currently, I had been going through a lot of torturous adventures of trying to prepare for my current project. Lots of late nights, new adventures and different situations. I have found comfort in an image that I came across listing the "Seven Stages of Film Production" it is definitely a pick me up. So I hope you enjoy the crazy insanity and disconnected posts I am sure will follow.